Thursday, August 27, 2020
TCT TEL Comm TEK Company Commerce Essay Example For Students
TCT TEL Comm TEK Company Commerce Essay To begin with, estimating from purpose of position of capable competency ( demonstrated by past occupation open introduction ) campaigners, every one of them had positive assessments. Wallace evaluated as capable and Harrison considered amazingly capable and ready to go into significant level heading. Atasi Das all the time earned top notch assessments. Jalan Bukit Seng methodicallly evaluated positive. Saumitra Chakraborty has effectively expanded TCT India s net incomes. From purpose of position of adaptiveness ( self-support, acceptable associations with have subjects and affectability to have situations ) Harrison, Desai, Seng and Chakraborty are acceptable alternative for TCT ( TEL-COMM-TEK ) . Harrison has worked in the Asian Regional Office and went all the time visited TCT s Southeast Asiatic tasks. Desai is by and by an assistant force offing director in the enormous Asiatic activity and resident of India. Seng is the force offing director of TCT s get together activity in Malaysia. Chakraborty is the aide to the going draw offing administrator in India. Moreover he has exceptional Indian family units and specialists functionaries alongside his capability in the methods of the Indian Business condition. Outline1 2. What difficulties may every campaigner brush in the place?2 3.How may TCT ( TEL-COMM-TEK ) approach limiting the difficulties standing up to each campaigner?3 Tom Wallace4 BrettHarrison5 Atasi Das6 Ravi Desai7 Jalan Bukit Seng8 SaumitraChakraborty9 4.Should all campaigners get a similar remuneration pack? On the off chance that non, what variables should follow up on each bundle?10 Wallace11 Harrison12 Hyrax13 Desai14 Seng15 Chakraborty16 Direct Compensation Costss17 Company Paid Costss18 Table 1. Required compansation heap of campaigners19 5. What suggestions would you be able to offer to help an organization standing up to this sort of assurance that will empower to equilibrate proficient and individual characters?20 6. Coming back to stuff canvassed in Chapter 15, explicitly that covering with the idea of a framework association, do you see any advantage to naming two of the people depicted here to the station? Operationally, one individual would be responsible for inw ard close to home businesss, and the other would pull off outside close to home businesss. What may be the presumable advantages and occupations with this understanding? 2. What difficulties may every campaigner brush in the spot? We will compose a custom article on TCT TEL Comm TEK Company Commerce explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Wallace s solid focuses are that he is a knowing 30-year TCT veteran and experienced in the capable and gross incomes aspects of occupation. He upheld some flexibly connection undertakings in the U.S. advertise and by and by directs a U.S.- based activity that is comparable size of India s new factory. He has bosses normally rate his open introduction as capable and association in an exile place. Anyway Wallace other than has frail focuses that etymological correspondence work and no worldwide working experience. So his significant test will be the adaptiveness to the new and inexperient impossible to miss condition. Harrison s solid focuses are that high fitness, involvement with the Asian Regional Office and great commonality with geographics, political relations, imposts, and mindsets. Yet, his feeble focuses are phonetic correspondence work, young children instructive occupation, and calling of his wedded lady. His normal test will be his own activity sing to his family unit issue. Das s solid focuses are five star calling open introduction, sufficient experience among staff and line places and single-status. She communicates in Hindi as she was conceived in Indian-American foreigner family unit and has a few family unit individuals and relations in India. Her powerless focuses that are no global experience, lack of understanding Indian concern condition, and worries about unpleasant sexual bias. Her main test will originate from inadequacy of universal experience. Desai s solid focuses are that involvement with the bigger Asiatic activity, M.B.A. degree from regarded Indian Institute of Management, and local Indian. Despite what might be expected, his frail focuses are that juvenile children and no working involvement with his place state. His test will be his own issues about his family unit. .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .postImageUrl , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:hover , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:visited , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:active { border:0!important; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:active , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:hover { darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enrichment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b 474541d581a9d0b .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Petrys View Of Victimization In The Street EssaySeng s solid focuses are that experience worked in either Singapore or Malaysia and readiness to larn other etymological interchanges varying, single-status, and great open introduction with worldwide nation. Conversely, his frail focuses that etymological correspondence work and no Indian experience. The most effective method to pleasing to various concern condition will be his main test. Chakraborty s solid focuses are that positive open introduction assessment, great association with extraordinary Indian families and specialists functionaries, ability in the methods of the Indian concern condition and liquid etymological correspondence achievements including neighborhood semantic interchanges and single-status. Be that as it may, Chakraborty needs direct-line and universal experience and his central test will originate from it. 3.How may TCT ( TEL-COMM-TEK ) approach limiting the difficulties facing every campaigner? Tom Wallace Give deciphering administration, neighborhood assistant and social insurance support BrettHarrison Give more pay group. Atasi Das Give an aide helping her worldwide issue. Ravi Desai Give more pay pack including youthful children guidance surport. Jalan Bukit Seng Give Hindi guidance and neighborhood assistant. SaumitraChakraborty Give increasingly opportunity to line and worldwide experience 4.Should all campaigners get a similar pay group? On the off chance that non, what variables should follow up on each group? Wallace Harrison Hyrax Desai Seng Chakraborty Direct Compensation Costss Base Salary Outside Service N/A Products A ; Service inferred work N/A Lodging N/A Expense Derived capacities N/A N/A Organization Paid Costss Training High High N/A High N/A N/A Indian pay income improvements Transportation voyaging costs High High Medium Medium Low N/A Grouped expenses High High Medium Medium Low N/A Working Spouse recompense None High N/A None N/A N/A Yearly spot leave High High Medium Medium Medium Low Extra health protection, Benefits addendums, purging inclusion High High Low High Low Low Table 1. Required compansation heap of campaigners The pay pack will non be same on the grounds that every campaigner are in various situation. Wallace and Harrison would be gotten more remuneration as they have to make a trip to India with their family. In add-on, interlingual interpretation administration cost, kids instruction cost and more transportation voyaging cost and grouped expense contrasted with singular campaigners ought to be incorporated. It is normal that Wallace would lief hold of the exposure, as his present spot should be wiped out in a half year. This possibility is the best way he
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
The executives and Leadership - Essay Example This exposition talks about and investigates the significance of corporate social duty and individual qualities, for example, instrumental and terminal qualities, ten moral standards of such enterprises, corporate altruism and others picked up during the administration class. These ideas portrayed in th exposition are applied and joined in the responses to various inquiries of the case ââ¬Å"The Housewife Who Got up off the Couchâ⬠. For the situation ââ¬Å"The Housewife who got up the Couchâ⬠, the idea of edified personal circumstance becomes apparent when Eleanor Josaitis began supporting Martin Luther King and human rights activists. The specialist have deduced in the paper that the terminal estimations of Eleanor Josaitis are ââ¬Ëa agreeable life, ââ¬Ëa feeling of accomplishmentââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëa world at peaceââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËEqualityââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËFreedomââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËHappinessââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËSocial Recognitionââ¬â¢. The specialist additionally port rays crafted by Focus: Hope association with in excess of 500 representatives and an enormous pool of volunteers who esteem benevolence and charity and who are engaged with generosity for humankind. Likewise, it is expressed that morals and good conduct is, notwithstanding, fundamental to arrive at the zenith of progress since it generally pays over the long haul. Though, to close the individuals who give more consideration to momentary increases through wrongdoings and infringement of moral standards endure misfortunes like the incomparable Martha Stewart whose guilty pleasure in ââ¬Ëinsider exchanging scandalââ¬â¢ decrepit her profession and her incredible business accomplishments.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Mission Admission Requesting Last-Minute Feedback
Blog Archive Mission Admission Requesting Last-Minute Feedback Mission Admission is a series of MBA admission tips; a new one is posted each Tuesday. With deadlines looming for many candidates, we thought we would share a piece of advice that might help alleviate some deadline-related stress. After you have completed (but not yet submitted!) your application(s), find one individual you trustâ"whether a professional consultant or someone with insight into the application processâ"to read your essays one last time and give you feedback. We strongly suggest that you limit yourself to requesting feedback from just one or two individuals, however. Because the application process is subjective, you will discover that as you add readers, you will also add new and different opinions. Soon, a multitude of alternatives might appear, and although none of these varying ideas will necessarily be ârightâ or âwrongââ"considering that a single candidateâs stories can be marketed in almost countless waysâ"they can create unnecessary uncertainty. We are not suggesting that you ignore critical feedback, but rather that you not complicate your final days and create doubt where it may not be due. If one or two readers support your ideas and emphasize that your application needs minimal work, you are probably best off ending your feedback loop there and submitting your application. Share ThisTweet Mission Admission
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Short Lived Success of Richard III Essay - 718 Words
Richard III, by William Shakespeare, is a play based on the amount of power and decisiveness needed to become the king of England. The main character Richard of Gloucester is the brother of the current king. The fact that Richard is evil for no apparent reason troubles readers. Yet overtime, the audience begins to warm up to Richard in part because of his skill with words. Richards obvious skill of language allows him to successfully manipulate nearly every character in the play. This skill enables him to woo Lady Anne, have Clarence thrown in prison, blame the king for Clarences death, and achieve Hastingss execution, all without any harm to himself. Although Richards use of words permits him to manipulate and control thoseâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This image of Richard that is brought to the readers attention is somewhat exaggerated. Since this play was written during the rule of Queen Elizabeth I, who is from the house of Lancaster, Shakespeare had to make the play po rtray the York house as villainous. The exaggeration of Richards true character seems to be more believable than most of the characters actions in the play. Richard is responsible for the following deaths: young prince Edward, Henry VI, Clarence, Rivers, Grey, Vaughan, Hastings, the two young princes, lady Anne, and Buckingham. After viewing this laundry list of corpses there are only two possible answers to the obvious question of how is all of this possible. Either Shakespeare created his own history of England for the play or Richards skill of language is even better than what was first thought. Another disturbing feature of the main character is the amount of energy, pressure, and stress that is associated with the amount of deceiving and manipulating the other characters in the play. It would seem that if Richard puts half of the time and thought that he puts in deceitfulness into honesty he could be more successful and he would live longer. Richards constant facade becomes apparently tiresome on his character. He states, Yet so much is my poverty of spirit, so mighty and so manyShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Biography903 Words à |à 4 Pagescompasses as his signature on all official documents, while Mary used a running horse. William was the third of eight children, four sisters, three of which didnt live past age eight, one who lived to be seventy-sevenJoanwho eventually outlived all seven of her siblings, and three brothers all of whom lived to become adults though sadly, before his own death in 1616, William buried all three of them. At age seven, William at tended King Edward VI Grammar School which, was founded in 1269 by RobertRead MoreEssay on Crusading Movement1530 Words à |à 7 PagesCrusade had its immediate cause in the loss (1144) of Edessa to the Muslims of Mosul and Aleppo. Challenged by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, King Louis VII of France and the German King Conrad III tried to lead separate armies through Anatolia. What remained of them joined in an unsuccessful siege of Damascus. The only success of this Crusade was the capture of Lisbon (1147), Portugal, by English and Frisian Crusaders on their way to the East by ship. The Third Crusade was a response to the conquest (1187)Read More The Crusades Essay1479 Words à |à 6 PagesCrusade had its immediate cause in the loss (1144) of Edessa to the Muslims of Mosul and Aleppo. Challenged by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, King Louis VII of France and the German King Conrad III tried to lead separate armies through Anatolia. 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Therefore, people find it difficult to achieve progress because of their inability to adapt and conqueror all the obstacles of life during short period of time, as well as a lack of awareness for failures. Humanââ¬â¢s remarkable ability to adapt to harsh conditions can be observed from their ability to reside in the harshest environments on Earth, and even outer space. Christopher McCandless demonstratedRead MoreThe Elizabethan Era Of Europe1531 Words à |à 7 Pagessize. Some were round, Rectangle, and octagonal. This type of Elizabethan Theatre was based on the style of the old Greek and Roman open-air amphitheaters. The first permanganate English Theatre was called the Red Lion was opened in 1567 with short-lived success. The Red Lion was built on a farm. The only play known to have been performed there was The Story of Samson. Not much is known about it other than that it was not built very well. After that in 1576, the first successful theater was built, itRead MoreThe Fiction of Literature: Folk Tales, Fan Fiction, and Oral Tradition in the Internet Age2388 Words à |à 10 Pagesadaptations, as well as television adaptations, licensed novelizations, bands and music inspired by literature, fan art, and fan fiction. Officially licensed transformative works are known under the blanket title of ââ¬Ëpro ficââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬âfan fiction, ââ¬Ëficââ¬â¢ for short, produced by a professional, for money. Fan fiction, by contrast, is written, published, and read simply for pleasure, and is unlicensed by the original author of the work being transformed. Defined by the Oxford dictionary rather drolly as ââ¬Å"fictionRead MoreJames De The Man That Lives1676 Words à |à 7 PagesMaryeli Padilla Ms. DeBella English III Period 1 13 January, 2017 James Dean: The Man That Lives On à James Dean once said, ââ¬Å"If a man can bridge the gap between life and death, I mean, if he can live on after he s died, then maybe he was a great man.â⬠James Dean probably did not know he would be a man that would qualify for this statement at the time it was said, but there is no doubt that he lived to achieve it (Howlett 1). James Dean is an important American figure because he represented a powerfulRead Morebutler model1533 Words à |à 7 Pagestourists. This stage can be related to Weston-super-Mare which has links to pre- historic times. History tells us that seaside holidays became popular due to the discovery of the health benefit that the sea provided. This trend was started by King George III in 1789, who went to Weymouth due to advice of his physicians telling him about the virtues of bathing and drinking the sea water. Therefore the residents of neighboring cities such as Bristol and Bath the closest and accessible coastal town was Weston-super-Mare
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Intercultural Analysis of My Big Fat Greek Wedding Essay
An Intercultural Analysis of My Big Fat Greek Wedding GDUFS SEIB1104 Nicole Guan As a typical intercultural movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding is about Toula, a lower middle class Greek American woman who fell in love with a non-Greek upper middle class ââ¬Å"white Anglo-Saxon Protestantâ⬠Ian Miller. They overcame a series of difficulties and eventually held a big fat Greek wedding. This movie shows us how Greek Americans live, reflecting the conflicts between Greek culture and American culture in a humorous way. Guided by Hofstedeââ¬â¢s cultural dimensions theory, this paper mainly explores how Greeks and American handle the cultural conflicts, and how they integrate into each otherââ¬â¢s culture. Therefore, we will arrange the paper in threeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In Toulaââ¬â¢s family, her father lies in the top rank and he is the boss, so he has absolutely the largest power among all the family members. They tend to accept the fatherââ¬â¢s power and authority simply on the basis of the fatherââ¬â¢s position in the hierarchy and to re spect the fatherââ¬â¢s right to that power. Authority is inherent in their position within this hierarchy. Everyone must listen to him and he is expected to make decisions autocratically. In the following part, four examples will be given to better illustrate the high power distance in Greek family: 1 Although Toula was 30 years old, she had to ask for his fatherââ¬â¢s permission timidly when she wanted to learn computer. 2 Toula would like to work in her auntââ¬â¢s travel agency, but she had no power to make the decision on her own, even her aunt. Finally, her mother, her aunt and she cooperated together and worked out a good idea that helped Toula realize her dream. 3 When Toula was dating Ian, she didnââ¬â¢t dare to tell her father because she knew that he would ask her to marry a Greek. 4 When Ian first came to visit Toulaââ¬â¢s family, Toulaââ¬â¢s father even told Ian that Ian didnââ¬â¢t ask for his permission to date Toula. On the contrary, in small power distance countries there is limited dependence of subordinates on bosses, and a preference for consultation. The emotional distance between hierarchies will tend to be relatively small:Show MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesDiversity Management Strategies 56 Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining Diverse Employees 56 â⬠¢ Diversity in Groups 58 â⬠¢ Effective Diversity Programs 58 Summary and Implications for Managers 60 S A L Self-Assessment Library Whatââ¬â¢s My Attitude Toward Older People? 40 Myth or Science? ââ¬Å"Dual-Career Couples Divorce Lessâ⬠47 An Ethical Choice Religious Tattoos 51 glOBalization! Images of Diversity from Around the Globe 54 Point/Counterpoint Men Have More Mathematical Ability Than WomenRead MoreManagement Course: MbaâËâ10 General Management215330 Words à |à 862 Pagesmass-production techniques. The next change in management thinking about car assembly occurred in Japan when Ohno Taiichi, a Toyota production engineer, pioneered the development of lean manufacturing in the 1960s after touring the U.S. plants of the Big Three car companies. The management philosophy behind lean manufacturing is to continuously ï ¬ nd methods to improve the efï ¬ ciency of the production process in order to reduce costs, increase quality, and reduce car assembly time. Lean production is based
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Foreign Internal Defense Of North Africa - 1504 Words
FOREIGN INTERNAL DEFENSE IN NORTH AFRICA Michael Watson Terrorism and Counter Terrorism May 15, 2016 In the United Stateââ¬â¢s led Global War on Terror; the best battles are the ones won before they even start. The way this is achieved is through a strategy called Foreign Internal Defense. Foreign Internal Defense is ââ¬Å"the major military to military advisory effort under National Assistanceâ⬠1. What that means is Special Operations Forces and conventional military forces train, advise and assist, and equip partner nation forces to carry out operations in their own area of operations. From Morocco to Libya, Foreign Internal Defense is conducted to not only protect the host nationââ¬â¢s citizens, but also to help strengthen the security of the United States. With the growing threat the Islamic State presents to North Africa, FID has been an excellent strategy to counter terrorism in the region by strengthening partner nation forces and enhancing the trainerââ¬â¢s skillset, building relationships between the United States and partner nations, and successfully taking the fight to the Islamic State; however, its efficacy has yet to be proven. The ââ¬Å"joint military definition of FID is participation by civilian and military agencies of a government in any of the action programs taken by another government or other designated organization to free and protect its society from subversion, lawlessness, and insurgencyâ⬠2. In short, military or civilian organizationsShow MoreRelatedThe United Nations Security Councils Economic Sanction against North Korea1650 Words à |à 7 PagesSecurity Councils economic sanction against North Korea is a step forward in an attempt to convince North Korea that their present nuclear development policy is disfavored by the world community (Fackler). Unfortunately the sanctions imposed by the Security Council fall short of those recommended by the United States. Sanctions have historically been imposed when a state has domestically or internationally violated a code of conduct. In the case of North Korea this co de of conduct is its attempt developRead MoreThe Battle Of The Punic Wars1506 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C., three wars were fought between Rome and Carthage. The name given to describe the wars Punic, is a divided word from the Latin and Greek words for Phoenician. The city of Carthage, situated in what is now Tunisia in North Africa, was founded in 814 B.C. by the Phoenicians. The first two wars were the longest 23 years and 17 years, separated by an interval of 23 years. The last and third war lasted only three years. It started 52 years after the end of the second PunicRead MoreAttention on the Horn of Africa1094 Words à |à 4 Pagesnon-interventionism is the idea of the Untied States not becoming involved in national alliances that would force our participation in potential conflict; accordingly, our relations with other nations should be purely for economic benefit. The Horn of Africa has economic value for the US, for the purpose of this paper, I arg ue that the US is intent on projecting itself in the region, be it through aid, trade and technical assistance, for the purpose of countering regional or potentially global competitionRead MoreThe Political Control Over The World War II931 Words à |à 4 Pages Taking in account what the idea of power means, I am more confident that Japan represents a prominent figure of power domestically, regionally and internationally Japan has had the ability to first, establish an unquestionable control over its internal and economical politics and society. Considering the popular sovereignty and the separation of powers, Japan has a high standard of political rights and civil liberties, in fact, in 2014 the Human Development Index for the country represented 0.891Read MoreThe World War II : Japan939 Words à |à 4 Pages Taking in account what the idea of power means, I am more confident that Japan represents a prominent figure of power domestically, regionally and internationally Japan has had the ability to first, establish an unquestionable control over its internal and economical politics and society. Considering the popular sovereignty and the separation of powers, Japan has a high standard of political rights and civil liberties, in fact in 2014 the Human Development Index for the country represented 0.891Read MoreSomalias Struggle for Power Essay example1524 Words à |à 7 Pagesthroughout the Horn of Africa. Although U.S. backed Somali Federal Government (SFG) has had some recent success against the al Qaeda (AQ) linked al-Shabaab, Somalia continue to face local and regional border disputes. Somalia has historically relied on outside actors who later abandoned Somalia due to a shift in foreign policy and interest. This paper will prove that the power for struggle in Somalia is the root cause of instability in Somalia and throughout the Horn of Africa. This will be exploredRead MoreEssay On Aban871 Words à |à 4 Pagespopularity. In 1963, legislativ e and municipal elections were expected, making it a critical year for the building of the countryââ¬â¢s political stability. To counter growing opposition, the King created a political party in 1963, the FDIC (Front de Dà ©fense des Institutions Constitutionnelles) and exerted control over another, known as the MP Party (Mouvement Populaire). Despite the relatively wide support that the FDIC gained, the UNFP and the Istiqlal parties were still able to mobilize 56,5% ofRead MoreNorth Korean Human Rights Violations1249 Words à |à 5 PagesNorth Korea has become infamous for its many atrocities to humanity. This country is well known for its fear-inducing communist political structure which has oppressed the entirety of its people for many years and still today under the rule of the Kim family. Food shortages, movement restrictions, and strict bans on media are some of the major ongoing issues today. Those who are found to be in violation of these bans and restrictions face u nfair trial and sentencing, prison camps, and sometimes publicRead MoreThe Management Of Islamic State Under The Caliphate Rules And Dogma1599 Words à |à 7 Pagesestablishment of Islamic State under the Caliphate rules and dogma. The key objectives are to be able to control and defense the territory, with possibility to influence, recruit and indoctrinate the young Muslim foreign fighters from the ââ¬Å"golden ringâ⬠. In same time to marginalized the ââ¬Å"silver ringâ⬠and challenge the security and stability in the region around Syria, Iraq and North Africa. Finally, to spread the fear and terror worldwide in the bronze ring, with primary focus in Europe, US and SouthRead MoreA Stronger And Unified European Union2026 Words à |à 9 Pagestools the European Commission has designed to alleviate this situation. Also, European corporations will also search for new markets abroad to alleviate the internal pressure of consumption. European products in international markets will also be a decisive factor Europe s recovery. Imports to China, Russia, Brazil, South Korea, South Africa and new economic powers in Europe will have to be present if the European Union wants to remain a global economic player. In this pursuit for a worldwide presence
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Microeconomics free essay sample
Economicsà Unità 1à Introductionà toà Economics Introduction to Economics What is Economics? Scarcity definition: something is scarce when it is both desirable and limited. Not all goods are scarce. Some goods that humans consume are infinite Place the following words under the correct category, Scarce or Not Scarce Scarce or Murderers Computers Swiss francs factory workers Water HIV Oxygen Mosquitos British Pounds Doctors Creativity Nitrogen Sewing machines Diamonds Worms Utility: The economists word for happiness. Economists assume that rational consumers always behave in a way that maximizes their utility. Free vs. Economic goods: â⬠¢ Free goods are those that are desired but not limited. A free good is available in as great a quantity as desired with zero opportunity cost to society. Air is a free good. Sunlight is a free good â⬠¢ Economic goods are those that are desired and limited. This is most resources and goods in society. They are economic because the supply is limited, therefore there is a price attached to them, or an opportunity cost associated with their use. We will write a custom essay sample on Microeconomics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Friday, April 10, 2020
Positive Care Environments Essay Example
Positive Care Environments Paper Promoting and supporting individuals right to dignity, independence, choice and safety 4. Acknowledging peoples personal beliefs and identities 5. Protecting individuals from abuse 6. Providing effective communication and relationships 7. Providing individualized care Care Values Include: Confidentiality Effective Communication Privacy Respect Empowerment Anti-Discriminatory Practice Anti-Discus minatory Practice Anti-Discriminatory Practice is when no one can be discriminated against based on their Color, Religion, Learning Ability, Race, Sexual Orientation and Disability (Physical or Mental). If a person is discriminated against then they can get hold of a number of groups and prosecute the individuals, or companies for this. An example of anti-discriminatory practice would be to treat all children fairly and equally such as during class discussions/activities every child should get the chance to participate and share their views with the rest of their peers. Also celebrating special religious occasions such as: Did, Christmas, Dalai, Easter and Chinese New Year by doing this youre showing he child that you value their beliefs in addition to that you can set up different activities based around the religious celebrations this will give the other children that arent from that background more of an understanding and also the child from that background. Confidentiality: (Data protection Act 1 998) Confidentiality and personal privacy is essential when dealing with children; it has to be protected so that not just anyone can gain access to it. We will write a custom essay sample on Positive Care Environments specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Positive Care Environments specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Positive Care Environments specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Individuals have a right to privacy and control over their personal details so it is crucial to pep all information shared confidential. Anything which concerns a child should stay in the school/centre because it is a legal requirement and it also helps to exhibit that there is a relationship of trust between the child and caregiver. Besides it proves that the centre/school has respect for the child and values them. Though there may be a time when you have to share need to know basis the information the service user disclosed to you. For instance if the individual is being abused at home the caregiver should report to their zoos and let them know what the child has shared. But before doing this you have to inform the service user that you are going to disclose some of their information. As if you dont and they find out they lose trust in you and theyll feel less confident which could result in them feeling extremely uncomfortable around you. In my work placement they promote confidentiality such as keeping information regarding the children locked up in a filing cabinet where only the manager and deputy head can gain access to it. This can also help to raise the self-esteem of children. Empowerment: Empowerment is giving individuals a substantial amount of information in order for them to make the appropriate decisions and choices about their life. Giving the individual the opportunity to take control of their life. In my placement they empower the children by giving them their own hooks to hang their jackets and bags on with their name beside it. They get the opportunity to pick what activity they take part in during playtime. Also each week a child gets the opportunity to be a book monitor or the choice to choose a song to sing together. There are bi-lingual books, signs and labels. Can gain all access to the equipment which is available in the centre. Set of behavior rules which all children must follow. . Effective Communication: Communication is important when working with service users in. It can be defined as giving and receiving information, for instance verbally and non- verbally. It is important that am aware of verbal non-verbal communication when interacting with the children within my care setting, no matter what age they are. Often, the child may say they re okay, but facial expressions contradict.
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Insider Secret to Dialog [Hint Steal It] - Freewrite Store
The Insider Secret to Dialog [Hint Steal It] - Freewrite Store Photo byà Victor Rodvangà onà Unsplash Todayââ¬â¢s guest post is by author Jeff Somers.à He has published nine novels, including theà Avery Cates Seriesà of noir-science fiction novels from Orbit Books, the darkly hilarious crime novelà Chumà from Tyrus Books, and most recently tales of blood magic and short cons in theà Ustari Cycle. à à The film Sunset Boulevard (1950) is perhaps Billy Wilderââ¬â¢s greatest achievement in terms of dialog- including the all-time great line (spoken by all-time great voice William Holden), ââ¬Å"Sometimes it's interesting to see just how bad bad writing can beâ⬠(a line given extra oomphby the fact that the character speaking is himself a pretty bad writer). You canââ¬â¢t help but wonder if Wilder was winking at himself when he came up with that one, despite the fact that Wilder- a Polish Jew who emigrated to the U.S. in his late 20s- didnââ¬â¢t learn English until he arrived in Hollywood to begin his stellar career as a screenwriter and director. The fact that English wasnââ¬â¢t his first language might have helped Wilder come up with such great dialog. Hearing a language spoken when you donââ¬â¢t understand it is an entirely different experience than when youââ¬â¢re fluent; in 1972, Italian singer Adriano Celentano released ââ¬Å"Prisencolinensinainciusol,â⬠a song of gibberish lyrics that are designed to sound like English spoken with a typical American accent. Listening to the song is an interesting experience- at first, it seems like the meaning of the song is just beyond your grasp because the rhythms and inflections are right on the money. The reason this song sounds right despite being meaningless reveals the fundamental trick of good dialog: The rhythm. à Slave to the Rhythm Every writer knows that itââ¬â¢s pretty easy to go very wrong when writing dialog: - Monotony, wherein all the characters sound more or less exactly the same (if a reader canââ¬â¢t tell whoââ¬â¢s speaking without a dialog tag, youââ¬â¢ve got a problem). - Stilted, exposition-heavy conversations filled with clumsy signifiers like ââ¬Å"As you know ...â⬠or repetitions of facts re-phrased for clarity (people simply donââ¬â¢t talk like that). - Dialog thatââ¬â¢s too close to reality, because in real life we all speak in meandering, stuttered phrases, using a lot of filler sounds to stall for time- and while making your characters sound like this might be realistic, itââ¬â¢s unpleasant to read (and difficult to understand on the page). - Characters that only speak in Plot Points, only opening their mouths when the reader needs to know something. The sweet spot for dialog is hazy, but the trick is to match the rhythm of real speech, but use a much more controlled approach to the actual words. Modeling Speech The key is turning off your brain a little and hearing just the pacing and pattern of a conversation without the meaning behind the sounds. One easy way to do this is to take dialog from a fictional source or from a real-life conversation and then substitute your own words. TIP: Steal the rhythm, skip the boring parts- this is a perfect opportunity to strip out the ââ¬Å"placeholderâ⬠words we all use to stall while we think, like ââ¬Å"umâ⬠and ââ¬Å"ah,â⬠or, if youââ¬â¢re Italian, allora. Borrowing From a Scene: Letââ¬â¢s say you have a scene between two characters talking about something. Why not steal the rhythm from one of the masters of modern movie dialog, Quentin Tarantino, and his classic Pulp Fiction: JULES: Okay so, tell me again about the hash bars. VINCENT: Okay what do you want to know? JULES: Well, hash is legal over there, right? VINCENT: Yeah, It's legal but it ain't hundred percent legal, I mean, you just can't walk into a restaurant, roll a joint and start puffin' away. They want you to smoke in your home or certain designated places. Even without having seen the film, the rhythm of each speaker is clear, and the dialog bounces in a way thatââ¬â¢s distinctive and pleasant to the ear- which is one reason this scene is one of the most famous from a famous film. The subject matter is not exactly important in any way (to the plot or anything) else, but you can see how the use of meaningless words like okay, right, and yeah are used to keep the rhythm balanced, and how some words are intentionally left out to get a more naturalistic sound (like ainââ¬â¢t hundred percent legal instead of ainââ¬â¢ta hundred percent legal). Modeling your own dialog after these rhythms can get that same bounce for your own words. You can also steal from great books. Why not steal from a master of the art like Hemingway or Elmore Leonard? Leonard had a skill in making ordinary conversations pop off the page: CHRIS: She didn't throw me out, I left. I phoned, you weren't home, so I stayed at Jerry's. DAD: When you needed me most. I'm sorry I wasn't here. CHRIS: Actually, you get right down to it, Phyllis's the one does all the talking. She gives me banking facts about different kinds of annuities, fiduciary trusts, institutional liquid asset funds ... I'm sitting here trying to stay awake, she's telling me about the exciting world of trust funds. DAD: I had a feeling. You've given it some thought. You realize life goes on. CHRIS: I'm not even sure what attracted me to her in the first place. DAD: You want me to tell you? All of Leonardââ¬â¢s dialog has a recognizable rhythm that magically seems realistic while being very controlled and carefully constructed. Borrowing from Real Life: An equally powerful approach is to model your dialog on actual conversations. This can be a better approach if youââ¬â¢re trying to capture an iconic cultural rhythm, or if youââ¬â¢re simply looking for something more naturalistic. This approach can guarantee that your dialog has a believable, authentic rhythm to it, which is about 75% of the battle. A hybrid of both approaches is to use an actorââ¬â¢s distinctive delivery of dialog to model the rhythm of one character on. Think about an actor with a distinctive way of delivering dialog- Alec Baldwin, or Meryl Streep, or even a non-actor you know personally. Imagining them reading every line you write for a specific character will subconsciously guide you towards a distinctive but believably consistent rhythm for every line they speak in your story. These approaches will train you to write realistic-sounding dialog every time, eventually without having to draft on someone elseââ¬â¢s work or the neighborsââ¬â¢ conversations- and eventually to develop your own personal rhythm that doesnââ¬â¢t rely on anything but your creative imagination and skill. Dialog is hard- no oneââ¬â¢s saying otherwise. World-building and plotting can be fun, filled with the wild excitement of simply creating. Dialog is a delicate business. The secret to great dialog doesn't lie with poetic lines scanned and re-scanned endlessly for errant commas or stuffed with convoluted similes- it's all about the rhythm. If your charactersââ¬â¢ speaking rhythms appear naturalistic to the mind's ear, the reader will find it easy to imagine the characters are really speaking even though written dialog is so different from the spoken kind. This is incredibly important because having your characters speak in believable ways sells even the most far-fetched world-building and the most faith-testing out-of-nowhere plot twists. Bad dialog can ruin even the smartest story, even stories that are otherwise brilliantly written, and like many aspects of the craft getting dialog ââ¬âºrightââ¬â¢ has more to do with approximating reality than reproducing it. Like "Prise ncolinensinainciusol," you're fooling your readers into ââ¬Å"hearingâ⬠what you want them to hear. Except, of course, you should use words that actually mean something as a best practice. So, writers, tell me: What writer creates the best dialog for modeling your own work? à Jeff Somers ( began writing by court order as an attempt to steer his creative impulses away from engineering genetic grotesqueries. He has published nine novels, including theAvery Cates Series of noir-science fiction novels from Orbit Books ( and theUstari Cycleseries of urban fantasy novels. His short story ââ¬Å"Ringing the Changesâ⬠was selected for inclusion inBest American Mystery Stories 2006,his story ââ¬Å"Sift, Almost Invisible, Throughâ⬠appeared in the anthologyCrimes by Moonlight edited by Charlaine Harris, and his story ââ¬Å"Three Cups of Teaâ⬠appeared in the anthologyHanzai Japan. He also writes about books forBarnes and Noble and about the craft of writing forWriterââ¬â¢s Digest, which will publish his book on the craft of writingWriting Without Rules in 2018. He lives in Hoboken with his wife, The Duchess, and their cats. He considers pants to always be optional.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Unit 5, Chapter 10,11, and 12 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unit 5, Chapter 10,11, and 12 - Coursework Example Bartol, in her book Management: A pacific rim focus, illustrates a process of change management in eight steps. The problem of having adversarial relationships that are proven to be counterproductive and detrimental to the operations within the organization has to be identified. Only by recognizing that this is really a problem that has to be addressed, can solutions be determined to solve the problem. In order to backup the planned change, the most powerful sponsors, usually the key people, who are the executives, are to be informed about the planned change, and to gather their support in order for the change to be communicated to the rest of the company. In this part, the vision of changing the organizational structure has to be developed and communicated, first to those people who can pass around the information. In developing a vision, it could be helpful to involve the rest of the company in order for them not to feel like the vision is a top-down command. It is to enable them to know the situation of the company and to feel like being more involved to what is happening, which makes them more receptive to the changes that will be enforced in line with the vision. By giving the proper authority to people who are capable of communicating the desired vision about the change in organizational structure, these people will have better chance to act out the vision. This may entail choosing the right people to conduct seminars and trainings to inform the other employees about the changes, and form a certain system to create these changes. Employees should be encouraged to act out the vision and adhere to the changes that are taking place within the company. In this case, promoting cross-functional teams would entail cutting down processes that are potential barriers. Because this major structural change would require flattening the organization, as various processes would be cut down, a lot of positions come with them. This would make resistance more intense
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Boosting employee morale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Boosting employee morale - Essay Example To test whether the skills or methods used in the process increases employee morale, the first step is to identify the variables involved. These could be qualitative or quantitative in nature (Johnson 304). The impact of increased employee morale can be quantitative, but the skills or methods applied are highly qualitative. To test the impact that skills or methods used create in boosting employee morale, quantifying skills/methods variables is vital. ANOVA tests suit this process (Johnson 357). Once the qualitative variables are quantified, they can be linked to the outcome of increased employee morale through the necessary testing steps in ANOVA statistical procedures. Achieving the above goal can be subject to a number of issues that influence the inferences made from the test. These are: difficulties in choosing the quantitative variable to use following improved employee morale (for example increased output or revenues), individual differences across employees may not be accounted for, and quantifying some qualitative variables of skills/methods nature may result in a totally different outcome. On the other hand, the testing design adopted exhibits both strengths and weaknesses. The quantification of qualitative variables makes the testing process quick and easier (Johnson 391). However, the testing procedure may be prone to statistical errors that may result in conclusive inferences that are rather
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Accounting-Financial Statements Essay Example for Free
Accounting-Financial Statements Essay Introduces the four financial statementsIncome Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows. Accounting as the language of business is discussed along with an introduction of the various users of accounting information. Financial and Managerial accounting are compared. The four ways to organize a business ââ¬â proprietorship, partnership, limited ââ¬â liability company, and corporation, are discussed. An introduction and contrast of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is done. The Entity Assumption, Continuity (Going Concern) Assumption, Historical Cost Principle, and Stable ââ¬â Monetary ââ¬â Unit Assumption are explained. The accounting equation ââ¬â Assets = Liabilities + Stockholderââ¬â¢s Equity is presented along with definitions and explanations of each component of the equation. A detail presentation of each of the four previously mentioned financial statements is given. Each account classification of the financial statements ââ¬â assets, liabilities, stockholderââ¬â¢s equity, revenue, and expenses are thoroughly explained and examples of common account titles used are given. The process of evaluating a company through the use of the financial statements is shown. A discussion of business ethics in accounting decisions is done. An end of chapter summary problem emphasizes the preparation as well as understanding of the financial statements. An accounting vocabulary section explains all the new accounting terms. The End of Chapter Access Your Progress allows the student to determine how well he grasped the information presented in the chapter. Traditional exercises and problems solidify the studentââ¬â¢s understanding of the material. Teaching Outline . Define a. Financial Accounting b. Managerial Accounting c. Contrast Financial and Managerial Accounting 2. Describe the users of financial information: a. Individuals b. Business Managers c. Investors d. Creditors e. Government Regulatory Agencies f. Taxing Authorities g. Nonprofit Organizations h. Other Organizations 3. Explain a. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) i. Generally Accepted Account ing Principles (GAAP) b. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) i. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) c. Compare GAAP and IFRS 4. Define and discuss Accounting Principles, Assumptions and Concepts a. Entity Assumption b. Continuity (Going Concern) Assumption c. Historical Cost Principle d. Stable Monetary Unit Assumption 5. Introduce the Accounting Equation a. Define and discuss common account titles: i. Assets ii. Liabilities iii. Stockholderââ¬â¢s Equity b. Define and discuss common account titles; i. Revenue ii. Expense iii. Retained Earnings c. Discuss Paid in Capital and Dividends 6. Explain and Prepare the Financial Statements a. Income Statement b. Statements of Retained Earnings c. Balance Sheet d. Statement of Cash Flows 7. Use Financial Statements to evaluate business performance a. Explain the relationship among the financial statements 8. Ethics in Business and Accounting Decisions a. The role of judgment in making decisions b. Economic factors c. Legal factors d. Ethical factors Key Topics The financial statements are actually reports on how well or poorly a business performed during a specified period of time. Chapter one actually presents the four basic financial statements and other relevant information that is needed to adequately prepare the financial statements. First one must understand that the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) develops the rules and guidelines in the United States that must be adhered to in preparing the financial statements. These guidelines are known as the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) develops the international financial reporting standards (IFRS) which are the international or global standards. Exhibit 1-3 gives an overview of the joint conceptual framework of accounting developed by the FASB and the IASB. However, the SEC announced that it will soon require all American companies to adopt the IFRS. This adoption is currently slated to begin the initial phase in 2014 with all companies on board by 2016. The adoption of the IFRS by all American companies will facilitate the process of comparing financial statements of like industries globally. Also, it will eliminate the need of many companies to prepare several sets of financial statements. Accounting is often labeled as the language of business and there are external as well as internal users of accounting information. Individuals, investors and creditors, regulatory bodies as well as nonprofit organizations are just some of the noted users of the accounting information. The accounting information is expected to be accurate as well as timely in order to satisfy the need of the users. There are two different types of accounting that is needed by the users. They are Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting. Financial Accounting primarily provides information to the external users and managerial primarily serves the internal users. This information is used in each and every type of business organization. There is the sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and the corporation. Each of these businesses differs as far as the form of ownership and other accounting details however, each is dependent on accurate and timely information in order to operate at the optimum level. There are some key accounting principles, assumptions, and concepts used in adequately preparing the accounting records. The first one discussed in this chapter is the assumption entity. This is the underlying assumption, which can be taken by the users of the financial statements, that a business is a separate economic entity. Each business is treated as a separate and distinct entity to enable the accountant to adequately measure the financial performance of the business. The Continuity (Going Concern) Assumption is also discussed here. This is the assumption that the business will continue to exist long enough to use the existing assets for their intended purpose. If the business does intend to continue to operate and employ the assets as intended, it does not have to be disclosed in the financial statements. However, if there is an intention not to continue to operate it must be disclosed somewhere in the financial statements. The Historical Cost Principle is presented such that one will understand that actual cost is used as the valuing system for all accounting transactions. Actual cost is verifiable as well as unbiased and therefore used to insure that the accounting records are prepared in a relevant as well as reliable manner. The Stable Monetary Unit Assumption is also presented in this chapter. This is the assumption that the purchase power of a dollar does not fluctuate. That is, one can purchase the same amount with a dollar today that he/she could a year ago. This assumption allows the accountant to ignore inflation and add or subtract dollars from varying years without adjusting for inflation. This is sometimes difficult for students to understand because they have seen inflation as well as lagging economies however, the professor can assure the student that if needed there is a system developed to reliably compare statements from varying years. That system, however, is taught in upper level accounting courses. After developing an understanding of this material the student is then introduced to the Accounting Equation. That is: Assets = Liabilities + Ownersââ¬â¢ Equity. It is imperative that the student understand the importance that this equation plays in preparing the financial statements. This equation presents the resources of a company as well as the claims on those resources. One must also note that this equation must be kept in balance at all times. Assets are presented as economic resources of the entity that are expected to be of future benefit. These resources have two types of claims against them: liabilities ââ¬â outside claims and ownersââ¬â¢ equity ââ¬â insider claims. See exhibit 1-4 to help present the fact that the two sides must equal. The influence on stockholdersââ¬â¢ equity by, paid-in capital, and retained earnings must be explained. Also, the manner in which revenue, expenses and dividends effect retained earnings should be explained. Remember to stress that dividends do not affect net income. They are not subtracted from revenue to determine the net income. Rather, they are subtracted from retained earnings. The financial statements are now to be presented. The Income Statement is the also referred to as the statement of operations because it measures the operating performance. It reports the revenues earned as well as the expenses incurred during a specified period of time. The expenses are subtracted from the revenue to determine the net income/loss for the accounting period. Net income is said to be the single most important item in the financial statements. The Statement of Retained Earnings is prepared after the Income Statement because the net income/loss from the Income Statement is needed to prepare the Statement of Retained Earnings. Retained earnings are simply the portion of the net income that the company has kept in the business. The Statement of Retained Earnings shows the changes that occurred in the retained earnings during the accounting period. Be sure to note that the net income is added to the beginning retained earning balance and the dividends are subtracted in order to determine the ending retained earnings balance. The Balance Sheet is prepared after the Statement of Retained Earnings because the ending retained earnings balance is needed to prepare the Balance Sheet. Statement of Financial Position is another name given to the Balance Sheet because it actually measures the financial position of a company. This statement reports on the assets, liabilities, and stockholdersââ¬â¢ equity of a company. A good way to help the students understand the information given by the Balance Sheet is to tell them that it gives a quick snapshot view of the financial status of the company on one day. That day is generally the end of the accounting period. The sum of the assets is expected to equal the sum of the liabilities and the stockholdersââ¬â¢ equity. See exhibit 1-9. The Statement of Cash Flow measures the cash receipts and payments. This statement reports on cash flows from three major activities: operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. The net increase/decrease in cash from these three activities is then determined and added to the beginning cash balance to get the ending cash balance. In the financial statement conclusions it is important make sure the students know the purpose of each financial statement. It is also important that the students know the order of preparation as well as the formulas for each financial statement. Good business requires decision making, which in turn requires the exercise of good judgment. Making good judgments in business in general and accounting in particular should take into account not only economic, but legal and ethical dimensions as well. The last section of the chapter presents an ethical decision making model that is used consistently throughout the rest of the book. Use of the model emphasizes that good decisions are not always based just on the basis of how much money a company can make immediately.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
Spencer Jackson Mallory Heath English 11, P. 2 December 3, 2013 Quarter 2 Synthesis IRP: The Maze Runner and Unfamiliar Situations The book I chose to write a synthesis essay comparing my life to is The Maze Runner by James Dashner. The book is about a boy named Thomas who wakes up in a place called the Glade which he has never seen before, and is surrounded by new places, people, and events that he is completely unfamiliar with. Thomas doesnââ¬â¢t remember much about before he woke up there, and at first he feels alone and uncomfortable with his new surroundings. This approach of being introduced into something you are completely unfamiliar with is a common feeling in the life of a teenager, and with current day technology it is becoming more and more difficult to adapt to new surroundings and become introduced to new places and people. Because of my personal experience in moving around often and being placed in a similar situation I have chosen to write on this particular subject relating to both the book and my life. When Thomas awakens inside of a large dark room he is overcome by ...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Principles of Macroeconomics Essay
An increase of government purchases occurs after a rise in aggregate output and employment. This tends to stimulate the economy, people then tend to buy more and save less. Therefore, it results to a higher importation than exportation, known as the trade deficit. The budget deficit increases the external deficits because the exports do not proportionately increase to counterweight increase imports. This explains that a large budget deficit raises domestic interest rates and the exchange rate. With a higher exchange rate the domestic products becomes more expensive and foreign goods cheaper. Hence, the import increases while export decreases. Resulting, the trade deficit to be enlarged. Consequently, to help drive the trade and current account of the balance of payments into deficit there is a combination of a higher interest rate and a stronger currency. However, to defend that the budget deficits mainly results from tax cuts that tend to reduce both public revenues and public saving; many researchers have justified the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis. Nevertheless, these tax cuts are effective on reducing public savings and enlarging the budget deficit, equivalently they increase private saving by amount. However, Ricardoââ¬â¢s neutrality hypothesis recommended that the private sector views budget deficits as public investment and treats public and private investment as perfect substitutes. How do the CPI and the GDP deflator differ? Why do economists believe that the CPI overstates the rate of inflation? Is this an important problem? CPI is an accurate measure of inflation. When the price basket goes up so does the CPI. It is limited to what it measures. It only measure the prices of the goods and services purchased by the urban consumers which is about 60% of the total production of the economy whilst on the contrary the GDP deflator measures the total production in the economy. It also allows to show up in the deflator the as people respond to changing prices. With this approach, the GDP deflator is being rebound up to date expenditure patterns. Despite that CPI only measure about 60% of the total production, it helps people give the idea how it affects them because it measures the type of goods they buy. Moreover, it comes out monthly and available anytime. With the historical comparison, most of the time the CPI and GDP price deflator had the same inflation rate, and when there is a difference, they do not differ much. However, if the CPI differs from the GDP deflator, it is only by a fraction of a percentage point, even so this could be important for some economic policy decision. Many economists believe that CPI overstates the rate inflation because they think that CPI is not a good indicator of a current inflation. According to David Ranson, a U. S. economist, a better indicator of current inflation would be increases in the price of commodities because initially inflation affects commodity prices and it will probably take several years for this commodity inflation to work its way through an economy and be reflected in the CPI. It is not an important problem so long as one is using whichever measure is appropriate for their findings. Reference Quantcrunch Tutor (April 2009 ) Q&A in Macroeconomics http://qainmacroeconomics. blogspot. com/2009_04_01_archive. html
Saturday, January 4, 2020
A Brief Note On The European Union And International Duty...
ompany structure: Overall, the PMI employs over 82,000 people worldwide54 and the company splits its markets into four geographical regions which include55 The European Union, headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland ââ¬â covers the entire EU (expect for the Balkans), Switzerland, Norway, and Iceland Eastern Europe, headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland ââ¬â Covers Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Turkey, Middle East, Africa, and the international duty free sector The Asian Region, headquartered in Hong Kong ââ¬â covers all Asian markets, Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands Latin America and Canada Region, headquartered in New York ââ¬â covers South and Central America, Mexioc, the Caribbean, and Canada. The governance of the company consists of a board of directors, executive officers, and board committees. The board of directors are responsible for ââ¬Å"establishing broad corporate policies, setting strategic direction, and overseeing management, which is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Company56.â⬠Assisting the board of directors are the following committees57 The Audit Committee ââ¬â is comprised of non-management personal who help review audit related matters. The Compensation and Leadership Development Committee ââ¬â is also comprised entirely of non-management personal and help compensation issues and succession plans of executives and senior management. The Finance Committee ââ¬â monitors and overall financialShow MoreRelatedNorth American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta)2362 Words à |à 10 PagesNorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) I. Brief overview of NAFTA (mainly for in-class presentation) a. NAFTA Introduction b. Original Expectations II. NAFTA over the last 12 years a. Impact on the U.S. economy i. Jobs (Employment Growth) ii. Labor iii. Income iv. 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This information can be used to determine whereRead MoreDeveloping Countries in the World Trade in Agriculture: Bangladesh Perspective.19109 Words à |à 77 Pageswhether the multilateral trading system makes a level playing field for the developing countries in the world trading system or not. This paper consists of six separate chapters. Following the introductory first chapter, the second chapter is a brief of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1947. The third chapter is the most important part of the paper as it scrutinises the WTO ââ¬ËAgreement on Agricultureââ¬â¢ from different point of views and its positive sides as well as its lacks along withRead MoreUK - Analysis Report31935 Words à |à 128 Pagesdeceleration began in 2008 and the GDP growth rate fell to 0.7%. In 2008, the economy entered into a recession, with a predicted negative growth rate of -4.5% for the United Kingdom: Country Analysis Report ââ¬â In-depth PESTLE Insights à © Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Published 05/2010 Page 1 Overview following year. The recessionary trend in the UK has worsened beyond expectation since the last quarter of 2008. The economy shrank by a sharp 1.6% in thatRead MoreFins2622 Notes6832 Words à |à 28 PagesREGIONALà ECONOMICà INTEGRATIONà Theà Politicalà Economyà ofà Freeà Tradeà ï ® Freeà Trade:à Davidà Ricardoà (supportà freeà trade)à à o Theoryà ofà comparativeà advantage:à Forà twoà nationsà withoutà inputà factorà mobility,à specialisationà andà tradeà couldà resultà inà increasedà totalà outputà andà lowerà costsà thanà ifà eachà nationà triedà toà produceà inà isolation.à à ï⠧ Bothà nationsà canà benefità fromà tradeà ifà eachà specialisesà inà goodà thatà theyà haveà theà lowestà opportunityà cost,à evenà ifà oneà economyà isà moreà efficientà inà makingà everythingRead MoreForeign Investment In France4978 Words à |à 20 Pages_Toc334197424 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc334197425 Health PAGEREF _Toc334197425 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc334197426 A brief history of its political systems, especially for the past 50 years PAGEREF _Toc334197426 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc334197427 Relationship between economy and political/trade relationships PAGEREF _Toc334197427 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc334197428 Current and recent historical economic sector PAGEREF _Toc334197428 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc334197429 Overview PAGEREF _Toc334197429 h 9 HYPERLINK lRead MoreWine Consumption Essay examples6888 Words à |à 28 Pages a. The organisations mission or vision b. Strategic goals of the organisation c. Capabilities of the organisation d. Product/s of the organisation under consideration for entry into an international market 2. Global Business Environment a. A brief overview of the current global business environment. a-1. Figure 12 wine consumption a-2. Top 10 wine consumers a-3. Changing in total wine consumption b. Discuss
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